Date & Time
Monday, April 29, 2024, 11:50 AM - 12:35 PM
C-Suite Secrets: What CFOs and CEOs Really Think About Their Company's Health Plan

Necessary evil? Financial boat anchor? Recruitment tool? All of the above? A company’s health plan is often its #2 or #3 expense and the C-Suite is well-aware of its impact on the bottom line. But, what do they really think about it (and you?). Join us as a panel of financial experts take you behind the scenes of the boardroom and into the minds of their peers for a deep dive on how they evaluate health plans and their business' future plans. They’ll also disclose the results of a new C-suite survey and take questions on how brokers can best work with them in the renewal process.

Rebeccah Randles Jason Hamelin
Location Name
Crest 3